How To Make Coffee While Camping

Camping is a great way to get in touch with the more natural, rugged side of life. While camping, we happily give up our televisions, laptops, and even our favorite foods, but one thing many of us can’t give up is our coffee. Luckily, you can still brew a strong cup of Joe even while “roughing it.”

To make coffee while camping, you can use instant coffee, a French press, Aeropress, pour-over stand, steep coffee bags in hot water, and add coffee grounds directly to boiling water. You can also purchase a portable espresso maker specifically for camping.

This article will give you several methods for making coffee while camping, including more rustic ways of using modern conveniences. You’ll also learn how to boil water while camping. 

How Do I Brew Coffee Without a Coffee Maker?

There are plenty of ways to brew coffee without a coffee maker, especially while camping. If you want to leave your coffee maker at home, you have several options for getting your favorite brew outdoors. 

Cowboy Coffee

One of the most traditional ways is to make something called Cowboy Coffee, which is French Press coffee without the filter. Cowboy Coffee requires a pot or kettle, an open fire, some water, and coffee grounds. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the perfect cup of Cowboy Coffee:

  1. Build a campfire and place a grate over it.
  2. Place your pot (or kettle) filled with water on the grate, and let it boil.
  3. Once the water starts to boil, remove it from the fire. 
  4. Let the pot sit for 30 seconds.
  5. Add coffee grounds (two tablespoons per eight ounces or 237 ml of water).
  6. Stir the coffee into the water, then let it sit for about two minutes.
  7. Stir again, and let it sit for another two minutes.
  8. Add enough cold water to the pot so that the grounds sink to the bottom.
  9. Pour your coffee slowly into a cup, leaving the grounds in the pot.

Different people have different methods for making their Cowboy Coffee, but many people swear by the above process.

Steeped Coffee

Cowboy Coffee may be the most rugged, hardcore way to make coffee without a coffee maker, but if you want a simpler way to make coffee, try these Steeped Coffee coffee bags instead. They work precisely like teabags, as all you need is a cup of steaming hot water. 

Drop the coffee bag into eight ounces of water, and let it steep for about five minutes. You can also make your own steeped coffee bags using your favorite brand of coffee and Nepak disposable tea bags. You will have a robust and flavorful cup of coffee without all the fuss and muss.

This YouTube video shows you how:

The Cheesecloth Method

For this method, you’ll need the following things:

  • Cheesecloth (or a clean handkerchief) 
  • Clothespins
  • A coffee mug or thermos
  • Coffee grounds
  • Water

Then follow these steps:

  1. Place your thermos or jar on a flat surface, and cover it with the cheesecloth or handkerchief so that it dips down into the mug, then secure it in place with clothespins.
  2. Then place the coffee grounds into the cheesecloth pouch and pour some boiling water over them.
  3. Give the water time to soak in, then pour more water over them.
  4. After your mug is full, remove the cheesecloth full of grounds, and enjoy your coffee.

Note: This method works best with cold-brewed coffee, but if you’re careful and take your time, you can also make hot coffee this way.

French Press

When it comes to French press machines, the Betterbrew Travel French Press might be better for your camping trip because it’s small, light, easy to use, and convenient to carry. It works just as well as full-size models, and coffee made in it tastes amazing.

All you need to use a French press are your coffee grounds and boiling water, which is easily obtained via your campfire, and it’s a simple, mess-free way to enjoy hot coffee in the mornings.

Other Coffee Making Methods

There are plenty of other options out there to help you make a great cup of coffee, including the AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker, pour-over method, percolator coffee, or cooking coffee in a small saucepan. These methods are the most popular methods, but you’re only limited to your imagination when it comes to making coffee while camping.

How Do I Make Coffee Without a Campfire?

If you don’t have a campfire, the easiest thing to make is cold instant coffee or cold-brew coffee. However, cold coffee isn’t always the most appetizing drink, especially first thing in the morning. Luckily, you still have a few options for making hot coffee, even if you don’t have a campfire.

You can still use the same methods listed above, such as the French press, the cheesecloth method, coffee steeping bags, and Cowboy Coffee to make coffee without a campfire, assuming you have a different way to heat your water.

Boil your water on a grill or a portable, gas-powered camping stove, such as the Coleman Portable Butane Stove, because it’s easy to use. Thanks to the carrying case, it’s also easy to carry around on camping trips.

Portable Espresso Makers

If you don’t have a campfire and don’t want to bring along a gas-powered cookstove, that narrows down your options for hot coffee.

However, if you enjoy a good espresso, there are travel espresso machines that do all the work for you. While portable coffee makers often rely on you to provide them with hot water, many portable espresso makers, such as this CONQUECO Travel Espresso Machine, heat the water for you inside the machine.

The only downside to this particular espresso maker is that you only get three espresso shots out of it before needing to recharge it. Even so, it’s a convenient way to get a warm blast of caffeine on those rushed, on-the-go mornings or while sitting lakeside on a camping trip.

How To Boil Water While Camping

The easiest way to boil water while you’re camping is to boil it over an open fire, which can be done by using a grate or hanging a pot or kettle on a hook over the fire. You can also use a grill or a portable camping stove like the Coleman one listed above. 

There are other ways to boil water, as well, but they require specialized equipment, including a generator to hook up several types of electric cooking appliances or a Kelly Kettle that allows you to set a small fire in its base.

This video shows you exactly how a Kelly Kettle works:

Currently, there’s a Kickstarter campaign for something called a Morphcooker. It’s an electric cooking stove charged via solar power or electricity before leaving your house. You can use any of these things to boil water without a campfire.

How To Make Coffee on a Camping Stove

Making coffee on a camping stove is just as simple as making coffee over an open fire, which allows you to still use your French press, instant espresso maker, cheesecloth, or steeping bags to make your coffee. The stove just makes it easier to boil your water.

You can also use a camping stove to make percolator coffee. Here’s a great video from Youtube user FlyingYankee59 that shows you how:

When it comes to boiling water for making coffee, you do it just like you would on a kitchen stove. Fill your pot, percolator, or kettle with water, and set it directly onto the stove. 

The only real difference is that you need to monitor the size of the flame on your stove, which might mean adjusting the gas occasionally throughout your boiling session.

What To Do With Coffee Grounds When Camping

Coffee grounds are biodegradable, and many people use them in their compost heaps or as fertilizers in their flower and vegetable gardens. For that reason, several campers spread their coffee grounds around trees, over the ground, or on top of the extinguished campfire.

However, if you genuinely want to Leave No Trace, it’s better to take your grounds with your trash when you leave your campsite by packing them in secure Ziplock bags. Try not to use plastic shopping bags, as they sometimes have holes or are easily torn. Store the Ziplock bags in a larger, dedicated canvas bag used solely for trash and other waste.

Take everything with you when you leave and dispose of it all in your home garbage.

Wrapping It Up

There are multiple options for making delicious, robust, and hot coffee while you’re camping. Some ways are simpler than others, and some require specialized equipment that you may have to buy beforehand. If you don’t want to invest a lot of extra money for French press coffee makers or travel espresso machines, you can always make Cowboy Coffee or pre-assemble a few coffee steeping bags to carry with you on your trip. 

You could also bring cold-brew coffee with you and heat it up while camping.

Happy Camping!

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